Sep 2, 2010

Other cooking mamas!:D

Here's my reflections on other friends' food blogs!

First up, we have Qingyun!
Qingyun! I love your blog, the dolldoll thing and the 3 cakes on top! So cute:D I think its good that you put the content links first. It helps me navigate your blog really well! It think your diet is actually not bad! You consume just the right amounts for each component except of course for your protein, saturated fats and sodium intake. Your sodium intake is scary! It probably comes from your snacks like your chicken pie, potato chips, roller coaster and the soups you drink. It think it is great that you make it a point to eat some fruits everyday. Cut down on those snacks and your diet will be great!

Next up is Vivian!
Hey Vivian! I love the blog skin! Its so nice compared to my amateurish one. I see that your diet problems are almost the same as mine. We don't take enough calcium but our sodium intake is too much. But your meal sizes! You are a tall girl but your lunches are just garlic bread or fish soup? I don't think that's enough. I also think you should drink fresh milk every morning to have more calcium. Eat more greens, perhaps with rice, during your lunches - increases your dietary fibre intake:)

Finally, it's Wan Ling!
Hi Wan Ling! Your blog is very neat and adorable! I like it! Your cholesterol intake is too much. Maybe you should not eat hard-boiled eggs so often for breakfast. Also, instead of drinking soyabean milk in the morning, try fresh milk. It's healthier. It's good to see that your diet follows the Healthy Diet Pyramid (did you deliberately try to follow? haha so cute:). Perhaps you should eat more greens and cut down on your meat and alternatives.